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Grade_________ School________________________________


Teacher_____________________________ Date____________



1. Draw a sketch map of the site.


A = location of petroglyphs

B = location of pictographs

C = location of cupules

D = any other signs of human use

V = location of any signs of vandalism

N = location of north with an arrow



2. Write a brief description of the site.


Name of the site_____________________________________


Archaeological site number__________ Owner___________










Describe the environment: Desert_____________________


Stream_________ Canyon___________ Foothills__________


River__________ Shore____________ Mountain___________


Name the plants you see here:________________________




Name the animals that might live here:_______________




Describe the rocks at this site:


Geologic name________________________________________


Color______________________ Size_____________________


Describe where the rock art is located:


In a cave______________ In an open area______________


On a horizontal surface______________________________


On a vertical surface________________________________


On many boulders____________ On one surface__________


Other (describe)_____________________________________




Tell what kinds of activities may have taken place at this site:

Hunting________ Fishing_______ Plant gathering_______


Habitation_________________ Ceremony_________________


Other (describe)_____________________________________




Name the group of Native Americans who may have created the rock art at this site:




Write what you know about the life of this group of Native Americans:




























3. Sketch some of the symbols that you find in the rock art here.



4. Which symbols seem to be the most frequent?



5. Which symbols seem to be unique to this site?



6. What do you think the symbols might mean and why?





7. How old do you think the symbols might be, and why?





8. Do you see any symbols which have been made over others?



9. Using only this paper, pencil, and your imagination, try to figure out how the rock art was made.


If there are petroglyphs, were they:

Lightly Chipped____________ Deeply Chipped___________



If there are pictographs, how many colors were used?

one_____________________ two or more_________________

Name the colors:_____________________________________

How was the paint applied?

Brush______________________ Fingers__________________

Pigment Stick______________ Other____________________


If there are geoglyphs:

Were the rocks removed (intaglios)? Yes______ No_____

Were rocks aligned (rock alignments)? Yes____ No_____


10. Tell how you feel when you visit this site.










11. How would you protect and preserve the rock art site for other people to enjoy?















This lesson was created by Sue Ann Sinay, Art Teacher.

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